Study on occurrence of Potential Drug-Drug Interaction and associated Factores in Hospitalized Elderly Patients in the Teaching Hospital of Nepal.
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Background : Drug-drug interaction is a common problem of drug therapy and one of the most frequently appearing challenge that may alter the PK and PDs of the drugs. Thus, altering the overall therapeutic response. Potential drug –drug interactions (pDDIs) in elderly is high among the study conducted all around the world.
Objective: For identification of the pDDIs in hospitalized elderly patient and the factors associated with potential interactions the study was carried out.
Method : A prospective observational study was conducted from May 2018 to July 2018, for 3 month in the Internal Medicine Department of Dhulikhel Hospital. Elderly patients of age 60 years and above who were taking 2 or more medicine and had hospitalized for at least 12 hours were included in the study. Further, patient cardex during hospitalization and discharge was analyzed for the potential drug-drug interaction by using Medscape drug interaction checker.
Result: During the study period of 3 month, 199 patients were included. A total of 661 interacting pairs were identified during hospitalization. Among which 0.15% were contraindicated pair, 7.87% were serious whereas 57.79% and 34.19% were monitor closely and minor category respectively. Likewise, during discharge 454 interacting pair were observed among which 6.60 % were serious, 60.35 % monitor closely and 33.04% of minor category. Multiple disease and number of drugs prescribed at hospitalization and discharge were risk factors associated with pDDIs.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates high prevalence of pDDIs in the elderly patient during hospitalization and discharge and need for the proper prescription monitoring for identification of potential interaction.
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