Knowledge, Attitude and Practice toward Pandemic Novel Coronavirus Outbreak, among Healthcare Workers at Gandaki Province, Nepal
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Background: Current pandemic of COVID-19 is efficiently challenged by intensified public health measures in Nepal, among health workers whose pervasive education plays a vital role. This online survey study was investigated to find out the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) associated with COVID-19 among health care workers during the peak of this pandemic.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among health care workers of Gandaki Province Nepal from March 2020 to April 2020. A self-administered questionnaire was answered by subjects online voluntarily and anonymously to collect their answers regarding their KAP associated with COVID-19.
Results: Out of 108 study population, the mean age was (27.31±4.325) years, male (53.7%) and female (46.3%) and had less than 5 years' experience (77.7%). The participant's possessed sufficient knowledge (98.1%) and mean knowledge score towards COVID-19 was 9.51±0.870. There was some negative attitude, only near half participants thought that they would probably get illness (46.3%) but they will accept the isolation if suspected infection (98.1%). Self-reported compliance with hand hygiene was high in practice and majority of the health care workers practicing regular hand washing after patient contact. Majority of healthcare workers reported use of surgical and N95 mask during patient contact. This survey showed that more than of half healthcare workers knew about the guideline for caring for patients with COVID-19 and eagers to apply infection control measures.
Conclusions: Most health care workers acquired necessary knowledge, positive attitude and proactive practice towards COVID-19, but their KAP score significantly varied.
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